CPD Hours Level
Seminar 4.5 IntermediateInformation
SRA Competency C D


When we think about the phrase ‘mental health’, we often think about mental health conditions. We might think of symptoms like low mood and conditions such as depression or anxiety.

In fact, everyone has mental health.

You and your colleagues will have times when your mental health is good - and times when it impacts on your overall wellbeing. Just like physical health.

As a manager, you have an important role in supporting staff wellbeing and promoting good mental health in the workplace.

During this classroom seminar mental health first aid trainer Maisie McKenzie will provide you with the tools to spot the signs that your colleagues are struggling and will offer advice on how to broach this with them.

Advice will also be given on where to signpost your employees to ensure they receive the most effective help.

What You Will Learn

This course will cover the following:

  • Your role as a manager and supporting the team’s mental wellbeing, and the importance of looking after your own mental wellbeing
  • How to spot the signs when someone is struggling
  • Frameworks to support you in opening up the conversation with colleagues
  • How to approach the topic when someone has been off with mental ill health and comes back to work
  • Communication tools and relevant signposting, once you have started the conversation

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Group bookings
Discounts are available for multiple places and if you have 5 or more people interested in this course and would like to discuss holding it in your area or on an in-house basis then please email us at [email protected]
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